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10 Ways People Think The Future Is Going To Change DRASTICALLY

And one of those ways, uh,   is apparently the American Dream becoming the Chinese dream.   Linkedin has apparently put to the test a massive survey for CEO’s and everybody in between,  mostly, because they were curious how people thought next year will be different for much of the modern world.

So, how were the responses?  Let’s discuss.

Media publisher Arianna Huffington sees that the world will finally begin taking a much needed longer and more frequented break from devices.  A digital detox is coming.

The American Dream will apparently become the Chinese dream (although some would argue it already is).  While Chinese made products dominate American imports and exports,  some, are arguing that the Chinese will begin fully implementing their literal take over.

As if we needed a prediction for this one, (and there were already signs) others say that they believe the Bitcoin Bubble will indeed pop in 2018.   So, ehum, let’s hope that you didn’t go spend your life savings on them at one point or another in the past week or so.

Click for the full list courtesy of Linkedin.

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