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New Developments in the Trump/Russia Investigation

Big news in the investigation into Trump ‘s campaign’s involvement in the Russian meddling of the 2016 election. According to dossiers obtained by numerous outlets,  special counsel Robert Mueller has “garnered the authority to order numerous PR agencies to turn over information on their involvement with projects dating back at least 4 years or so”.

The Washington Post notes that the newly discovered information paints a grim future for the two former Trump campaign operatives.  Flynn,  apparently has now been caught up in new e-mails with a particular individual who knowingly contacted Russian hackers, uh, in hopes that they had access to Hillary Clinton ‘s e-mails.

Interestingly, it has not been previously reported of a man named Peter Smith. Smith, reportedly worked with numerous PR agencies working under a supposed cover to gain access to Clinton ‘s e-mails during the campaign. The news indicates that Mueller is getting closer to compelling star witnesses to eventually take out Donald Trump.


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