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Lawyer in rape case: Women are the weaker sex, adept liars

One might think that by now, uh, people would learn to stop making comments about rape and sexual assault. But,  there are “right wingers” in the world and this one just takes the cake.  Making his defense in the case of a rich Tennessee man accused of rape, one lawyer, has now found himself in the midst of some pretty cruel criticism online.

Steve Farese, uh, argued that “Women are especially adept liars”. That comment alone right there, uh, caused some ire in the law world and online. Critics pounced on the comments citing the “despicable nature” of the comments due to the fact that more often than not it isn’t actually the woman’s fault.

So let’s dig deep.   Farese, is, uh, defending Mark Giannini, a man accused of inviting a woman to his mansion for what she apparently believed to be a job interview for a housekeeping position.  She claims, however,  that when she got there —  she was  raped and choked and then left unconscious.   She later than allegedly woke up in a local hospital.

Farese, uh, went on to claim that  women are “the weaker sex” (“according to the book”) and that they take advantage of a man’s “desire for a woman”.  Interestingly,  Farese, apparently blamed Giannini’s actions on the fact that the woman apparently wore  a “sexy top” to the interview.


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