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Is this the most horrifying child abduction of all-time?

Some say it’s  one of the first child abductions ever to occur on planet earth that remained unsolved for much of the history of mankind.  50 years ago,  Australia, saw what would become one of the country’s most horrifying incidents occur:  the abduction of the Beaumont Children.

The Beaumont children disappeared from Australia 50 years ago while seemingly playing outside minding their own business.  On 26 January 1966, Jane; arnna, and Grant all were playing together outside on a warm day down under. The three children were seen by their post man, happily playing, without a care in the world.

The postman saw no sign of  worry as the three children held hands, and, proceeded to play as they walked home together from a day on the beach. But, it would become the last and final time the Beaumont children were ever seen alive.

The case captivated not only Australia, but, left the world in disbelief that three children would suddenly disappear forever essentially vanishing without a trace.  For decades, police searched and searched through wooded areas;  sewage holes, parks, and practically anywhere they figured children would ‘get lost inside of”.

But nothing panned out.  It’ remains one of the most harrowing disappearances in the history of child abductions  in the history of mankind.   Three innocent children were never found, and, have by all means, long been considered to be dead.

Their parents Jim and Nancy received dozens of tips and letters over the next three decades as the case soared on. But nothing panned out. People from all over the world sent letters and remorseful notes to Jim and Nancy, in hopes that it would cheer them up, but it only made things worse.

In the many years following the mysterious abduction, Jim and Nancy, finally split after several years of hardships over the case.  While they still live in  the same city in which it happened, not much has changed, even 50 years later.  In the past ten years, at least four serial killers and pedophiles in Australia have been believed to be responsible for the death(s) of the Beaumont children.

The case effectively caused parents and families in Australia to be more serious about supervision when their children went outside to play, something, that is now taken very seriously today in a country where the Beaumont murders remain open as a cold case even in modern day.

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