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BOMBSHELL: “It’s not just Yahoo, Google spies just as bad” employee speaks out

Tuesday afternoon saw the bizarre recollection of security violations on behalf of Yahoo and its customers to Reuters. Tuesday  evening in London,  perhaps, similar events with rival email agencies have unraveled in emails and phone calls to The Daily News room.

Hours after Reuters published an exclusive story detailing of how Yahoo scanned and searched millions of email accounts for phrases and attachments sought by the government, three, Google employees have now stepped forward with similar sentiments about the worlds biggest search engine.

Two of the employees, opted to remain anonymous out of fear of retaliation from Google and its policy about speaking to the press.

Snooping on Americans first became an international news topic after the massive leaks perpetrated by Edward Snowden. Snowden, famously revealed to the world of how the world’s governments are cooperating with the Americans on orders to spy on people all over the world.

Emails are no different.

“Between 2008 and 2014 Google ordered its email executives to alike Yahoo create specific systematic events within Gmail’s servers to monitor attachments and contents of an email for specific words or phrases coinciding with a secret government demand from the National Security Agency” one employee told Daily News ‘ Sultan Khan in an exclusive phone interview.

An additional employee further lamented about Google’s secret snooping on their massive database of emails.

“It’s not like those emails are actually private.  For years, Google has monitored and often sometimes frequently snooped on email accounts of groups and even specific individuals of interest to the government.  Generally, the NSA would provide a list of words; phrases, or even specific targets that they wanted to monitor to Google. The snooping culture led to the departure of numerous employees”.

In initial calls to Google,  Google declined to comment on the story.  Alike security officials surveying Yahoo!’s own reported mass snooping,  officials are “alarmed”  that private email servers are largely being monitored by orders of the government and in most cases by means of secret email programs nobody has ever heard of”.

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