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Here’s what Trump said in his Gettysburg Address

Donald Trump appears at the site of Lincoln's famous Gettysburg Address














Donald Trump, perhaps, spent the weekend brushing up on every possible way to feel like former American president Abraham Lincoln. During his presidency, Lincoln, made a now historic speech at Gettysburg, whereas, Trump did exactly that.

Hours before the speech, another woman reportedly came forward revealing that she had also been sexually assaulted (or at least groped) by Donald Trump. That woman, an adult film star, claimed that Trump had gone as far as to offer how “how much” in exchange for her services but she in no way wanted to partake in activities with the billionaire real estate mogul.

“All of these liars will be sued after the election” Trump reportedly said during the address. “all of them lied” he continued before he proceeded to discuss the corrupt world of elections; crooked Hillary, and his own policies 100 days in office. According to Trump, he would implement a deportation order for violent immigrants currently locked up;  Cancel the visas of countries that won’t take them back, and implement a hiring freeze on all federal employees.

(Minus public safety and the military) that is.  In an interesting speech, Trump had decidedly touched on the once rumored but now confirmed AT&T/ Time Warner merger that would value such merger at nearly $80b.

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