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Here’s the Skinny on that Subway pervert Jared Fogle

FOGLE1Former Subway pitchman, and er, undercover child molester Jared Fogle — apparently feels that his own fantasies aren’t reason for his sentence to be longer than 12 years. According to reports, the disgraced Subway pitchman has now filed the necessary documentation(s) with his lawyers to challenge his sentence, as, he “feels it should be shortened because he feels like he was targeted because of fantasies he’s never actually acted on”.

Fogle’s lawyers filed the paperwork Friday afternoon — citing — that the judge presiding over Fogle’s criminal child pornography case abused her authority.  Fogle, previously admitted to paying for sex with 16 and 17 year old girls but never “admitted” to anyone younger than that (although was allegedly caught on recording) which is what Fogle believes led to his longer sentence.

Fogle’s lawyers argue “He was never charged, therefore, his sentence is a bit harsh.  He wasn’t charged for encounters with anyone younger than the girls first admitted”.   This, perhaps, is coming from the same camp that had already admitted to receiving child pornography made by his charity head.

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