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Fashion designer Wayne Shields trashes his own models, blasts mom-a-gers

NEW YORK —  “Fashion designer”   Wayne Shields, 52,  is in the news today after two models and their moms came to us with some rather interesting information.    Shields,  who “runs” the Plitz fashion show was “unprofessional; angry, and gangster” after an encounter with two moms, where, he told them…

You can’t be with your son during these shows.  Everybody has to buy a ticket.   This is about the money,   this is a business.   Nobody gets in for free. Do you see the garden downstairs’?

Those models have been identified as Will Gannon, 17, and Liliana Bogart, 17. Both of which are minors, and, are legally required to have  their parents on deck at all fashion shows. 

Eventually,  both moms (Stacy Bogart, and  Brandi Gannon) were removed from the venue after the rude encounter with Shields.      The second model Liliana Bogart was pulled entirely from the fashion show, after, it was decided that not only was Shield’s extremely unprofessional he was just not worth it.

Warning: The Daily News has confirmed through multiple people that Shield’s does not care about the fashion show itself, and, will exploit his own models for money.  He reportedly told Mrs Bogart “This is about the money, nothing else.  Nobody gets in here for free”.  

Unprofessional “PR Expert” Wayne Shields, 52, is pictured on the right.

Shields, 52, kicked  not only his models out but also his designers. The Daily News   has confirmed that Shields tried to charge his own models and featured designers for tickets into the event, because, “he”  “was all about business” and “this is entirely about the money”   he was heard saying to multiple people.

Calls have been placed to Plitz Marketing, which appears to be also owned by  Wayne Shields himself.

For more information on teen & child models in the State of New York  and the applicable laws –– see here.

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