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New weird twist in murder case of woman who offed her identical twin

Here’s  a twist,  Alexandria  Duval, famously drove her SUV off a cliff intentionally killing her twin sister — and now wants her charge entirely dismissed.  According to defense attorney’s for Duval,  her charges should be dismissed because “the grand jury that ultimately indicted her was misled’.

Anastasia, however, wasn’t so lucky.  The crash occurred in 2016 when  Alexandria  engaged in a hair-pulling behind the wheel fight with her sister before she ultimately decided to  end her life by driving the SUV off of a nearby cliff.  The new development apparently stems from the claim that the star witness against Alexandria, misled prosecutors in his testimony that the hair-pulling was still going on when Alexandria drove over the cliff.

Interestingly, the same defense attorney per Fox News,  claims that  an additional testimony about  vehicle data retrieved falsely claimed that Alexandria didn’t brake before the SUV went over the cliff.   Ultimately, the decision will be up to a new jury who is scheduled to meet Tuesday.


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