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The 21st trans murder in the United States has been reported

The 21st murder of a trans person in the USA has been formally reported.  A Missouri teenager was brutally mutilated; stabbed, burned, and practically dismembered in what police refuse to label a hate crime.   The body of Ally Steinfield, 17, was discovered this week after she had gone missing earlier this month.

Four have been arrested and charged with first degree murder, although, police are unwilling to label it a hate crime.  According to reports “First degree murder in itself is a hate crime”  is how they view it.   According to police reports, and The Washington Post, her killers admitted to “stabbing her multiple times; dumping some of her bones in a garbage can near a chicken coop, and essentially burning her alive”.

Texas County police officials deny that Steinfield was murdered because of her gender identity, although, we can’t think of much more of a coincidence that an innocent trans person was targeted  for any other reason than  the fact she was transgender.

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