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Texas A&M University says NO to Pro White/Trump Supporter Rally

Racist lynch-mobber Richard Spencer is back in the news.  Texas A&M confirmed to The Daily News in e-mails this morning that the pro-white pride activist and nationalist supporter apparently “plans to sue the University” over their decision to halt his rally.  The rally was scheduled to take place on September 11th, and,  was halted on suspicion that Spencer had attempted to plan something similar to Charlottesville in Texas.

Spencer is believed to be much of the inspiration behind Preston Wiginton ‘s push for “white pride” on the A&M campus.

Meanwhile, Wiginton claims that the school is “violating his First Amendment Right” by cancelling the protest that A&M feared would bring “great concern for life and safety” on its campus.    Wiginton maintains that it is his right to exercise his “white pride” even on campus, a campus such as A&M.

A&M officials say that “There is no way this rally is going to happen” as of this time and that the “free speech right” on school campus ” cannot be questioned” considering  Spencer himself spoke at the school in December.

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