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This could very well be the end of Dilma Rouseff

ROUSEFFBRASILIA —   Today marks what could be the end of Dilma Rouseff’s controversial reign over Brazil, a presidential spot, that she has held since 2011 (but the Leftist Workers Party has ruled Brazil for 13 years). Rouseff, today, stands ready to hear the announcement as to whether or not she  will be impeached as the President of Brazil amid severe corruption claims — and — ultimately letting the people of Brazil down.

Rouseff, as of recent, stands accused of borrowing money and financial assets from state banks to close budget problems and gaps. Those actions, perhaps, have only bolstered the corruption claims within the government. Aides to Mrs. Rouseff have “already begun looking for new jobs” according to some, while others, are simply glad that the long battle is over within her palace walls.

Within the crisis, and the attempt to overthrow Rouseff’s government, Rouseff herself has maintained a singular argument against the impeachment proceedings: It’s nothing more than a coup. Many of her workers and aides have already cited that new jobs are sought, while others, “refuse to work full-time” in an environment that’s likely to turn quite hostile in the coming days.  (Read:  Senate has 180 days to decide Dilma’s ultimate fate to catch-up on Brazil’s crisis).

Rouseff stands by the citation that she “isn’t tired of fighting” having recently labeled her adversaries as “traitors”. New reports out minutes ago indicate that Rouseff has “changed her departure plans” from exiting from the front of the Presidential palace, to, a concealed car to her formal residence — whereas she has been granted permission to stay while she undergoes t he 180 day wait to determine a trial.   While doing so, her salary will be mostly cut in half to just under $4,400 a month.

Mr. Temer is in no such of good shape himself.  If Rouseff’s own government is overthrown as expected, Brazil, can expect yet another political party and its new leader to take over Brazil — whilst — they’ve been riddled with their own scandals and political sagas of their own in the past.

An interesting caveat for Temer, is, perhaps, that some of his top advisers are currently under widespread investigation related to in some cases corruption. Romero Jucá, a senator from Roraima State in the Amazon, and Geddel Vieira Lima, a former executive at one of Brazil’s largest public banks. are among those under investigation in Brazil.

This report was penned by Mohammed SHK who is currently covering  Dilma Rousseff’s impeachment proceedings.


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